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  • 23 Ιουλίου 2021
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Emerging Printed Electronics Research Infrastructure

H2020-INFRAIA-2020-1 (Grant agreement ID: 101008701)

The aim of EMERGE is to establish the first integrated, distributed research infrastructure supporting comprehensive user projects for multi-and-trans-disciplinary research on sustainable flexible large-area printed electronics and photonics (FLAPEP) value chain, going from materials formulation to design and architecture of
processes, devices and systems, backup by characterization, test modelling and simulation tools, through a coordinated open-access for RTOs, industry and SMEs to complementary facilities. This is a route for creating added value and road mapping the introduction of new, recyclable electronics products at “Half-the-time/ Half-the-cost” to establish a sustainable prosperity, as required by today’s science and technology challenges and ESFRI landscape analysis.
The overall objective of EMERGE is to provide access for users working with materials such as paper, textiles or biocompatible polymers to small-footprint FLAPEP technologies which enables emerging devices by using industrially compatible hybrid printing processes (roll-to-roll (R2R), functional 3D printing, etc.) accompanied with in-line inspection tools and automatic systems for high throughput inks determination, both driven by a novel Knowledge repository powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods.
At least 1400 users will be involved in the project through cross-border experiments, while creating at least 4 Symbiotic Clusters transregional connected, 4 Innovation gateway Hubs focusing on technology brokerage and 1 transversal hub valuing the results of the prototypes within a market approach. EMERGE will focus intensively
on networking among partners and stakeholders through advocacy and dissemination, sharing data and information management and exploitation to ensure a long lasting, sustainable community in line with the Green Deal initiative for environmentally friendly approaches towards circular economy.

Categories: ongoingProjects